
Showing posts from February, 2018

You are a Mentor

Whatever the position you occupy in life, you are a potential mentor to someone whether you are aware of it or not

What is your value?

"If a food has no taste, we add salt to it. But if salt has no taste, what do we do to it?" Note: People value you in the extent to which you add value to them.

Love is Forgiving

"Until you recognize the fact that people are not perfect, you may never know that love means forgiving imperfection"

Relationship With Others

"If you are gonna build a relationship with anyone, you must be ready to swallow your pride and remain forever humble"

The Way We See the Problem is the Problem

People are intrigued when they see good things happening in the lives of individuals, families, and organizations that are based on solid principles. They admire such personal strength and maturity, such family unity and teamwork, such adaptive synergistic organizational culture and their immediate request is very revealing of their basic paradigm. " How do you do it ? Teach me the techniques. " What they're really saying is, "Give me some quick fix advice or solution that will relieve the pain in my own situation."

You cannot pretend for long

You cannot pretend for long, for you will eventually be found out. Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education. Henry David Thoreau taught, "How can we remember our ignorance, which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all of the time?"

Learning and Growing

If you don't let a teacher know what level you are -- by asking a question, or revealing your ignorance -- you will not learn or grow.


In life, it is quite difficult to create a work-life balance for people, hence leading to displeasure in work and frustration in achieving goal/targets. Let’s take a practical example. Yourself and Productivity In Economics, the law of Diminishing Returns, also called ''Principle of diminishing marginal productivity', states that if one input in the production of a commodity is increased while all other inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at which additions of the input will yield progressively smaller i.e the more and more you consume a particular commodity, the less satisfaction you will derive when you are filled up. You can drink up to 5 bottles of Coke continuously at the same time but it will get to a stage where an additional intake will/would cause a problem. At this point, you pause to take a break. This is exactly what this article is all about. You must learn to manage your time appropriately so as not to lay your hands on t...

Desired Degree

"I wish i had known four years ago what i knew now, I would have taken career and college (University degree) planning more seriously" So many people at the expense of their desired course go for a cheaper course due to their inability to meet up with the requirements of their proposed ambition. I friend once told me " my major was easy and fun, but I cannot get a decent job"

Discover Youself

"There is something so special about all the heroes, mentors, icons and celebrities that we admire."  These guys are just extremely focused individuals who discovered their purpose earlier and gave it the full attention required.


"Never ever look for a future partner unless you are sure of your own future"

Performance Quote

"We are the instrument of our own performance"

Investment Initiative

"Do not wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait" - Adewale Ajayi The concept of investing in real estate implies that if you wait for a perfect time to invest, that perfect time might never come. Therefore, you must invest now that you have little and wait for that little to materialize and mature.

Relationship Quote

"As a lady if you have submitted to a man that is not submissive to God, you are in trouble" - Apostle Joshua Selman

Savings Quotes

"It is what you save that will increase your Net Worth" - Adewale Ajayi Any balance in your savings fund is likely your net worth. Hence, you need to transfer all balances in your emergency fund if unused to your savings at the end of the year.

Missing Your Way

"The farther you go down the wrong road, the harder it gets to find your way back"

Habits- Good/Bad

"Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with while Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with"

Understanding Others

"Seek first to understand, then be understood" Integrity, Maturity and Abundance of Mentality helps us to understand others irrespective of our own perspective of seeing thing. We welcome other peoples' ideas and make a contribution or suggest a better viewpoint through intellectual initiative. Consideration for others provides courage for oneself because you will be considered important at all times if you seek to understand others.

Finishing Before Starting

"Before we start something we should always think about how to finish it first" So many people embark on journeys they can never complete and end up being stagnant - they can not go further neither could they afford to go backwards also. Hence, it is better to think about finishing before starting at all

Reactive Life

"For you to win another person does not  have to lose, change the way you see things and we can all make a better world" There is abundance out there and i believe someone does not have to lose because i want to win alone

Success Quote

"To be successful you must have a vision, a mission and an objective"

Realers Quotes

"When you rise, everything around you rises but when you fake it, you portend not to leave that position till you admit that you are nobody yet"

Success Quote

"Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them, they stay focused"